Wöhr® – Perfekt in Farbe, Form, Funktion!
Wöhr customers benefit from the company's extensive, long-term experience in all relevant industries. This means: that we understand your requirements and know how to meet them. Our certifications in accordance with EN ISO9001 Quality, EN ISO 13485 Medicine and EN ISO 14001 Environment are proof of this expertise. WÖHR stands for: By your side from the start in:
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Before starting any new application, a qualified expert discussion is always a good idea. Both sides can learn from one another and contribute their own strengths. This is also true if you are replacing or planning to re-engineer a product. Specialists at WÖHR are ready to handle all of these needs, and can also develop and manufacture your complete input system. Even for tricky applications.
The medical and food sectors, for instance, face increased requirements – and other industries often pose specialised needs. Our answers to these needs might include, for instance: